Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Skoshi Howard Blog Post

Buenos Dias! How to begin to describe what the Lord is doing here. …. There are no words but I will do my best. The presence of the Lord is so strong! Wherever we go whatever we do we are seeing lives changed and people being healed. The love of God being poured out.

Last night, in one of the services, there were approximately 70 people who had gathered together for a prayer meeting. Joe shared from Isaiah 6 and invited anyone to come up to the front wanting to give their heart to Jesus. So many things happened last night that I’m not even sure that I’m aware of them all. But the two things that stand out are of two people being saved and delivered. The Lord truly gave joy for mourning and a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

One of the women who came up for prayer was obviously being tormented by demons. She would not even look at me (not even open her eyes). Several of us gathered around her and started praying in the spirit and I encouraged her to say out-loud: “I am free because of the blood of Jesus.” The more she said it the more the demonic hold on her became less and less. I said open your eyes and look at me in the name of Jesus – the more she said it, the more she was able to open her eyes and focus. I could see the stuff being broken off of her! By the end of the night, she was set completely free and was raising her hands, praising the Lord.

Then there was the young boy with the yellow shirt. He had come up front for salvation along with 3 other teenage boys (and two women). They were all worshiping God but this boy in the yellow shirt was radically delivered. Without anyone touching him, he began to break down before the Lord. He fell to his knees and started vomiting – being delivered totally of whatever bound him inside. Pastor and Joe laid him on his side and started praying over him. This teenage boy was just sobbing. After awhile, I looked at him and on his back he had his hands raised to heaven, praising the Lord.

I will never forget the hug that young boy gave me as we were leaving. I’m still in total awe of what Jesus did last night.

Dios le bendiga,
Skoshi Howard


  1. Skoshi you are a Holy Ghost rockstar! Love hearing all the stories!

  2. Awesome stuff! Give em' some Heaven Skoshi!


  3. Thanks for the comments guys! I'll give her the message. - Alisa
