Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nita New: Salvation & Outpouring of God’s Spirit

Yesterday was an awesome day of distribution as we saw people saved at almost every house we went to! The third house was my favorite experience of the day. A mother and daughter were making tortillas when we arrived. The Pastor with us talked to them for a few minutes but they were very hard and unreceptive. We gave them shoes and food then we started to leave. I noticed a young man (about 15 yrs. old) behind them by the house and when I made eye contact with him, I felt the Lord tell me not to leave without reaching out to him. The team was leaving but I brought Lindsay with me to translate and went over to the chair he was sitting in. I began to tell him that God had a plan for his life, that it was not an accident that we were there today, and that the Lord told me to talk to him and tell him about Jesus. I shared the Gospel with him and told him that Jesus loved him very much. Then I asked him if he wanted to pray and receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior and he said yes! He repeated a very sincere prayer asking for salvation and afterward his expression was so joyful! As we were getting ready to leave his sister (who had been so hard at the beginning) told us that she wanted to receive Jesus too! I led her in prayer and she also had so much joy! To say the least, it was an awesome and fruitful day for us. I was telling everyone afterward what has become my personal motto, “There’s nothing like life with Jesus!!”

And if that wasn’t enough blessing for one day, when we arrived back at the pastor’s church to meet with the other team we walked into an outpouring of God’s Spirit! Cindy was outside calling out to us to hurry and come into the building because the Holy Spirit was moving. As we went in, the presence of the Lord was really strong in the church. The pastor and his family were being powerfully ministered to by the Holy Spirit. I went up to the Pastor to ask him a question, and when I did he reached out and grabbed my arm. As soon as he touched my arm I felt the power God so strongly that it literally shook my whole body - it completely took me by surprise! As we spent time praying in that little church the Lord touched all of us with His wonderful presence. It was a glorious day with our Jesus!!!
Nita New

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